Latest Beefs In GH Music

Lately, a lot has been happening in our music industry with regards to beefs be it perceived or actual as #SarkodieOrEL trended on twitter the whole of Saturday, 25th June and even the early hours of Sunday. Apparently, it stemmed from a line in Sarkodie’s bossy song where he said “I am the king and don’t need a crown” and in Ghana we know it is only E.L who has a song titled "King without a crown" so the fans of E.L who are known as “The ELiens” felt Sarkodie was taking a swipe at their idol. We thought that would end there but Sarkodie was dragged into another perceived beef this week after the release of M.anifest’s GodMC track with music enthusiasts myself included claiming it was a direct response to Sarkodie’s bossy song with people comparing the lyrics in both songs and choosing who came out tops. For me, who came out tops is a matter I would gladly keep to myself but I think this is good for our industry so far as what I would call “competition” which is very normal in hip hop music does not include personal attacks but mainly comparison of lyrics. As controversial as he is, Shatta Wale will get involved in all matters so far as it gives him some publicity be it positive or not as he tweeted and I quote exactly including mistakes but excluding emoticons “wow Ghana is getting sweet…i love beef especially the one’s with no spices….hahahaha I run enter @manifestive ntrotro inside… hahahaa” to air his views on the matter. Apparently, E.L also tweeted and clapped for M.anifest,a move many think E.L took to choose M.anifest over Sark,as he is affectionately called. You can download GodMC by M.anifest and Bossy by Sarkodie Ft Jay So to make your own judgements.
The storm seemed to be settling until Stonebwoy shared a video on facebook on Sunday, 3rd July in which a mad man is seen comparing him with Shatta Wale and saying some very stinking things about the self-acclaimed dancehall king. Shatta Wale also responded to this very unfortunate video by tweeting “Herrrr @Stonebwoyb you for stop da fooling and make money.. Aboa taaa”. Personally, I condemn the video in all uncertain terms and even though beefs are very normal in dancehall,I think it should be done in a decorous manner devoid of all forms of personal attacks which can get bloody when the fans of the artistes, Shatta Movement and Bhim Nation get involved. Thank you for reading and more to follow so far as updates involving this matter come up but below is the link to the video Stonebwoy shared-            


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