Guest Blog- 6 Signs That Show You Are Been Toyed With As A GF..

Perhaps you’re one of those girls who  don’t  feel  right and secure  in  your    relationship.If you  are  really  looking  for proven signs  to  tell you if  the  guy  you’re  with  is  really  serious  with you  or just  a player  who  wants  to have  his  way  with you then this is your "kwakwe last stop" as is said in our local parlance.  Here  are  some  signs  of  a  real  player;

1.When  he  wants  to  meet  you alone  all the time and never in public.It  is  really  attractive  and romantic  to  be  alone  with  your  boyfriend  to  spend  some  quality  time  together but  if  this  becomes  a  usual  habit  then  you should start thinking twice. Try  asking  him  to  walk  with  you in  a  crowded    environment,  watch  a  movie  or  something that would need you guys to be in the public domain  to  see  his  reactions.  If  he  insists very strongly to  spend  time  with you  alone  at  his  place  or  yours  then  he is most likely trying to  swerve  a competitor of yours and that's what all good players do to avoid embarrassment.

2. He eyes other  ladies  almost  all  the  time. A guy who is  really  into  you does  not  even  remember  other  ladies  exist.  Once  a  while, your boyfriend can glance at  ladies since  its a  guys thing but  when  he  tends  to  eye  other ladies  all  the  time especially  at  the  wrong  area  then  I am  sorry  he  isn’t your Prince Charming.

3. When he won’t  let  you go near  his  phone.It’s  good  to  respect  each other’s  privacy  but  when  he  doesn’t  let  you go  near  his  phone at all, angling  his  phone to  reply  to  a  text  message,  leaving  your presence  whenever he  gets  a  phone  call  or he  panics  when  you trying  to play  with  his  phone, then he might be concealing something he knows you won't approve of.

4. When he won’t  let  you  meet  any  of  his  friends  or  parents.Someone  who  is  really  into  you will  like  you  to  meet  the  people  that  really  matter to  him;  his friends, parents and siblings if he isn't the only child. If  you’ve  really  been  with  a  guy  for  like  months close to a year and  you know  none  of  his  friends, he  isn’t  serious  with  you because most likely his friends know of his bad ways and that might spell doom for him if u get close to them. At  least  for the parents one,its quite acceptable because he  should  be introducing his fiancée to his parents and not just a mere girlfriend.

5 .When he always plans for the two of you on his  own without any form of consultation with you whatsoever.Most  players  do have a timetable for all their girls so they have their turns meeting him to avoid clashes and thereby embarrassment.When  this  happens too often , then  I am  sorry  he might be  cheating  on  you  with  another  girl.

6 .When he doesn’t  answer  you  straight  forward but always gives vague answers. If  you  ask  your  guy  a  question  and  he always answers  vaguely,  then  he might just be playing  you.  You  ask him  ‘’what’s  up  tonight’’  and  he  answers  saying ‘’oh  you  know,  not  yet  sure’’  or you  ask  ‘’where  are you going to?’’  and  he  just  answers ‘’checking  something  down  the  street’’  then  he’s  hiding  something  from  you. He should be true to you if he has nothing to hide otherwise he’s just one of those numerous players around looking for the next available prey to devour,a phenomenon that has become very fashionable in this our generation.

Written By SELrepGH on Twitter..His Picture Is Below:


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