Piece Of Peace By Mcray

 Promising urban gospel act, Mcray is out with new material and this time it is not music but spoken word I think is a real masterpiece.This piece isn't necessarily about what I think and so I will end here for you to enjoy the spoken word titled "Piece Of Peace" below;


•Since the beginning of creation, 
Everything has been placed in perfect order for the existence of PEACE, The dark from the light,
The heavens from the earth,
And the Adams from the Eves.
•When one thing lead to doubting...
Of the relation for creation...
Now the fusion of the pieces...
Of Love and the pieces of PEACE was mis'SIN'
•But it's all good, cos everything happens for a reason, ADEY LIE!
The reason why the prince of PEACE,
Came down from a place of PEACE,
To die on the cross of Calvary in PEACE, 
Just to find the pieces of love and the pieces of PEACE.
•A PEACE of advice,
Vote your heart into power, don't vote for vices,
Socialize in PEACE not in crisis,
Cos crisis can sometimes make you 'Christ-less'
Which makes us understand that, the PEACE our Mama Africa holds in the black pot is PRICELESS.
•So my fellow Africans,
Let the tradition of picking pieces of PEACE remain,
Because love grows from within...
To quench the pain,
But PEACE  is built in Him, 
And For that we pray 🙏 AMEN! 🙏

Written By - @McRayJnr 🌍

Mcray Performing Piece Of Peace In Church


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